Summary Lispeth

JR Kipling
This spoiled name Elizabeth (in the dialect of the Himalayan mountain people it sounded like Lispet). She is the daughter of Himalayan mountaineer Sonah and his wife Jade, her parents have died. The English educate her as an Englishwoman. Becoming an adult, she became charming: the Greek face, the skin light, reminded the Roman goddess Diana. In her tribe Lispet was not loved, since she is not like them, every day she washes. A few months after she turned 17, she went on a long walk, returned with a young wounded Englishman. He says that now he is her husband. He must leave, he has a bride. Nevertheless, he was pleased to walk with her and talk to her, to say her affectionate words, to call her caressing names. For him it did not mean anything, but for Lispeth it was all. He tells her that she will return and marry (this is the wife of the chaplain asked him). After a while, they tell her, that he will not come. She: “Everything that the English say is a lie. All the English are liars.” He goes to his people. She’s already old. Got married. He remembers English. If he drinks, he remembers his first love.
“There is no law based on which one can foresee the extravagance of these pagans,” said the Chaplain’s wife, “and I am convinced that Lyspet was always in her heart unbelieving.
Recalling that Lispet was accepted into the bosom of the Anglican Church at the mature age of five weeks, it must be said that such a statement does not honor the wife of the chaplain.



